Tuesday, September 29, 2020

 Hi guys,

I wasn't able to post after each person's text because of the way it was set up.  I think you all did a fabulous job and I really loved the blogs!


Monday, September 28, 2020

SPC2608 First Presentation

     Just last week, my group and I (group 1) presented our first presentation for our SPC2608 class. I am not going to lie, I was slightly nervous because being at home is very unpredictable. My grandma lives with me and is home doing her own thing and tends to make a great deal of noise. Before every class I have to remind her that I will be in a class and she cannot make too much of a racket because I will not hear the lessons and instructions from my professor. 

    I think our group did fantastic. Everything we put together came out flawlessly and our presentations were finished in due time as well. I was in charge of pretty much the end of the chapters that we were in charge of presenting which had to do with understanding the demographic that you will be presenting to. I included detailed yet simplistic information into my presentation and I used the iSpeak book from our lecture. 

    I should also give credit to the other groups of presenters. I feel like I am learning a significant amount in this class that I will not be able to obtain anywhere else with the help of my fellow classmates. 

Group Presentation #1

Group projects is often something that churns people’s stomachs’s; let alone presenting in front of a crowd. This presentation was not done traditionally with a live audience due to the current situation regarding Covid-19, but rather done online which was something new for many of my classmates and members of my group. A major fear associated with presenting is speaking in front of an audience 

Chapter Presentations

    Presentations are important as they are a means of communicating important information efficiently, effectively and professionally. We take SPC 2608 which is a public speaking class in which were taught how to speak and the various ways in how to speak, how to prepare, etc. Our first presentation was to present a set amount of chapters and explain their contents to the rest of the class which was our audience at the time. This experience has showed me many things and hope that I can learn much more in the future.

    Group 1(which was my group) where the first to present Chapters 1-4. This first few chapters are important as they set the foundations for proper and effective public speaking. Our group was efficient and always willing to help each other regardless of how small the problem was. We also managed to pick who did what and see through it efficiently. When it came to presenting our chapters, I can definitely say we did really good. Our slides, where interactive, straight to the point and had the important information we needed to do our presentation. The presenters in our group did a great job in speaking about the information they had assigned with them. There were some minor tech difficulties here and there but beyond that, everyone did an amazing job. 

    Group 2 where second and presenting Chapter 5-9. There chapter consisted on the how to present a speech successfully. Group 2 really put a lot of effort in their work and it showed on the day of presentation. There slides where well made and had the right information and they all got to the point of their perspective topics. Presentations like these are important because it challenges everyone in the room to learn and absorb the information so they can apply it at a later date. As far as technical difficulties there was no error other than some tech ones as well, but through there determination they managed to make an awesome presentation without fail.

    Group 3 was third and presenting Chapters 10-12 and the appendix. There chapter consisted on informative and persuasive presentations and special settings for them. Group 3 did an amazing job presenting there chapters to the audience. Since they were last you'd expect there to be some pressure but they managed to present smoothly with no issues. There slides where well made and where even able to incorporate videos with audio further developing there topics. There chapters teach us how to persuade or inform others as we are presenting, for example like in a business meeting. There was no real issues with group 3 and there presentations came out splendid.

    In conclusion everyone did an amazing job and it was a fun experience as well. Everyone learned from each other and also new ideas for teamwork, communication and presentation ideas. I can only assume that future presentations are only going to get better and more fun for everyone in the class. Thank you very much!

Chapter Presentations

I love all the presentations in general I thought that because it was our first presentation I was going to see more difficulty but in reality not all of us did a good job, and we left the fear and shyness. As always happens we had some difficulties with the audio and those things but everything was solved calmly. For example, I never had before an online presentation, it was a new experience for me, as well seeing them all presenting through my laptop is a new thing I think for most of us. I loved how everyone was prepared and had their topics very clear and well reviewed. Everyone in general showed how it should be presented without fear and expressing ourselves with perfection and wisdom as well as you learn a lot by listening to others give a good explanation the truth was, we all gave our best to achieve those good presentations. All the groups put in a lot of effort, our team had a lot of chemistry, we got along very well, we made small friends and people that we will get to know a little more every time we have to work together. Likewise, the teacher had a lot of patience for each group and always try to help us with all our little technical problems This class has been helping me a little more to be sociable, I am really shy, I am not one of those people who speak easily but seeing all These presentations and seeing that everyone made it very easy helped me to put that aside and express myself more. I am grateful to have chosen this class. Those were just our first presentations and I see that we all did quite well, so I hope we do much better little by little, confronting the small mistakes and learning more from them . Never in my life had seen such a well and prepared presentations, and we were the first group we did not have so much time to prepare but it seems to me that we covered it, and we did it. I also really liked the idea that we all had our cameras turned on since we never turn them on in class, most of them by shame, in this way we not only know the voices but also how each one is. I hope we have many more presentations so that we can get to know a little more with our group and also learn more from each of our classmates.I also liked that each group covered everything in time, and we did not have to wait time because each one was super organized, everything was well-prepared and each one knew at the time that they had to say their part, the group leader at no time had to call anyone because I was not attending or anything everyone was attending perfectly.I will love to present again with the same people who I already present a very good team.I hope I have expressed myself in the best way and that everyone can understand me.

Chapter Presentations

     Throughout the chapter presentations, all three groups, including ours needed to present a number of slides which explained a good amount of information based on speech. From the "iSpeak" book, we learned an abundant amount of things, from learning how to cope with the stress of speaking in public, to how to treat the individuals you're speaking to, the importance of how to deliver a speech the proper way despite being a beginner, etcetera. Everyone had a task, and they completed the said task in a great manner despite there being a number of technical difficulties; which needless to say, everyone easily conquered with little to no trouble. With our group leader, Albert Labrada, and Victoria Alvarez, alongside everyone else within our group that made things possible, everything went as smooth as could be and I wouldn't ask for a better group to be in--and how could I forget the two leaders, Pablo and Kaitlin for helping organize the whole thing up, and Professor Sinkoff whom helped this whole group project become a possibility. Here's to hoping we don't get switched around, otherwise it'd be a little difficult to adapt to another group setup again--though even if, that's the point of group work; to adapt, work and overcome. All in all, everyone made a great effort in their part. 

    During the presentation made by group two, the presenters and speakers pointed out how a speaker is supposed to deliver a well-delivered speech through a number of examples, entertaining pictures and relatively short explanations which were great to listen to. From what makes a speaker successful when delivering certain speeches, to the whole five methods that're required to deliver said speeches in an educated and proper manner. It was a good experience, in which I believe everyone was capable of understanding everything; I know I was able to. While they did have technical difficulties just like the last two groups(including ours) in our speech class, that was nothing compared to the hard work they definitely put into explaining their craft. In the end, their delivery was amazing, the way they explained everything was top notch and everyone did a wonderful job.

    Lastly, the third and final presenting group; group three, were just as great as the rest of us--despite them being the finale, they certainly took their time to study what they needed to in order to deliver what was due in a great fashion. From the way that they explained the usage of humor within presentations, alongside the way the audience could pick up on key pieces of information to make use of good speech, and even the appendix was a great end to the final group's presentation. Those videos were superb and entertaining.

In the end, projects like these are a great way to get to know one another in a sense, and understand other's personalities to some extent. Everyone did a great job presenting the way they did, in their own unique ways. Here's to hoping we have more projects like these later on in the future.

Chapter Presentations

Chapter Presentations

         Before the semester began, I like a lot of my peers thought we will be taking this class in person rather than over a computer screen. Frankly, this left many of us wondering if we would even be able to successfully navigate through this course. However, through the guidance and reassurance from Professor Sinkoff and the sense of comradery amongst my peers we have not only been able to demonstrate academic excellence but unity and especially compassion within these last weeks even in the face of uncertainty. Over the past few weeks, we have seen and even been able to be a part of three amazing presentations that are the results of what can be done through teamwork and determination.  For this project there were three groups, each group was assigned certain chapters from our textbook with the task of creating a presentation that will teach our classmates information that will ultimately help them become better speakers. 


         Each group did amazingly when presenting their projects. Whether through the use of informatory slides, simplified how-to demonstrations, or descriptive graphics, we were truly able to understand the fundamental aspects of public speaking. For me, what I enjoyed most about each presentation was what wasn’t said but shown by everyone in the class, the sense of comradery, and want to help each other. Not one person, no matter what group we were in wanted to see another classmate fail. During the first week of presentations, I was the “tech person” for my group 1’s presentation and there had been such significant technical difficulties with our presentation that I was certain cost us our grade. My classmates whether in my group or not stood by my group, cheered us on, and offered reassurance through all of the unforeseen hiccups we experienced on the day of our presentation. They waited patiently for us to solve any issue we may have had and offered advice when they felt they could help. With every presentation, I saw a true want to help our classmates understand the material whether through video or “real life” examples. Each presentation was structured around giving us as much information and tips we will need to help us become better speakers. Whether it was groups 1 and 3 with their detailed presentations that seemed to lack nothing in the information department or the powerhouse duo, Kaitlin and Pablo who gave us such a powerful and professional presentation. We all left class after each presentation being better Public Speakers than when we started. This was due to the dedication that was shown by all my classmates. I want to thank each and every one of you for bringing your “A” game with each presentation. For always providing support and encouraging words through every technical difficulty. It is through your Amity and eagerness to make the world better where we will truly make a change. I would also like to thank Professor Sinkoff for giving us this assignment and for being understanding of the issues that may arise with virtual learning. 

                                                Chapter Presentations

    During  last Introduction to public Speaking classes we have been doing  a project which was divided in three different groups. Each group had to present a part. The presentations were based on the book “I Speak” which is the one that we are going to use in the class. When my group was planning the presentation I was wondering if they were going to be helpful or not, know that we are done with the projects I can say that defiantly they were helpful .The presentations were a really good way to learn for three different reasons: they offered explanations with visual aids, also in order to do it people had to practice, what means that they memorized the content and all groups did a good job.

   There are different ways to learn, some studies have demonstrate that the majority of the people learn better by listening and watching. That is what presentations are about. Presentations offered explanations and visual aids like for example: YouTube videos, photos and charts between others. Well, not all types of presentations come with visual aid but in this case all three groups used it. In my opinion those visual aids made the projects more fun and kept audience attention. Because of the explanations the process of understanding and learning the content was easier and faster, at least for me.

  The second reason why I feel that this type of project really helps the students is because in order to receive a good grade you need to do a good work. For this you have to memorize what you are going to talk about and there is no other way to do this that with enough practice. Ones that you learned your part I am pretty sure that you are not going to forget it. I can tell by my experience that it worked. I had to talk about some tips for planning a presentation and I still remember all of them. Also and very important, during the presentations you need to pay attention to what each person is going to be presenting , that way you can learn about more than just your part .

   All the three groups did a good job. Unfortunately, some technical issues showed up but nothing stopped their presentation.The groups presented what the professor requested .Each of them explained their part and they showed some videos. All three groups demonstrated that they were prepared and they understood their topics.Because of their well done projects was easy to understand all the different topics. I also have to recognize that the originality of each presentation  made more fun the audience attention.

  To conclude i have to say that these presentations were an easy and fun way to learn.  I really enjoined them for all the different reasons mentioned before. Because of the professor comments I can tell that she also liked all three groups presentations too. I am really exited to continue working with  group number one on the coming projects .




First Public Speaking Presentation Experience

 For this presentation my team and I had to teach our public speaking class how to deliver a well-developed presentation or speech. We tackled the steps needed and required to give out a presentation that would have a topic and a purpose, and that would adapt to its audience. To be sincerely honest, never in my life did I think that I would have been taking a public speaking course, let a long teaching a chapter or a lesson in one because it’s not something that I usually do or like to do, but there’s a first time for everything like people say. Doing this presentation was kind of nerd racking for me, although I couldn’t see the audience, I still knew that there were forty plus people watching me speak for seven minutes. Even tough, my team and I had some setbacks while trying to teach our chapters like our audio didn’t work and we didn’t have enough time to fully teach our chapters. We didn’t let those setbacks bothered us, we went on that virtual room and did our absolutely best. Overall, it was a fun and learning experience, I enjoyed going out of my comfort zone and being able to gain confidence to speak publicly, I hope that we do something similar to this again, well I know that we will. After all it is a public speaking class.

    Yes, I enjoyed every person that spoke on every group. Each of them had something different to teach. You know yes, we are teaching these chapters but it’s something that we are still in the process of learning. Teaching these chapters, I think that the class would agree that it was very helpful because we got the chance to learned from each other and at the same time studied each chapter individually. It was just a great experience, each of the groups had technical issues, but we still gave our best which I think what really matter is that each person gave their all. Some of us including myself are not experienced public speakers and we still gave our all and taught our chapters to best of our abilities. I just hoped that next time we do a project similar to this one, we get the change to be in a public environment and that everything goes as planned. As of right now, we are stocked in this virtual world, where we are limited to what we can do. Hopefully within the next semester everything goes back to normal and we can do our presentations out somewhere and show the people what we got, more importantly show ourselves how good we are at speaking publicly. I am just truly looking forward to seeing what is next in the course, because this was a truly enjoyable experience. I just want to say thank you to our amazing instructor Sherri Sinkoff and my fellow classmates for making this such a great experience.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

The Chapter Presentation Experience

                                                                        Group 1

This group project has proven to be a valuable experience of perseverance and determination. When we first head about the details of the project I offered up to be the leader of the group (group 1). Although I was nervous at first, I quickly realized that my classmates exhibited great qualities of responsibility, attention to detail, and drive to excel at the class. The cooperative spirit of the group made all of us more engaged in project and excited for what the final product would look like. Biased may be slightly😁 at play, but I truly believe “Group 1” displayed a wonderful, well though out presentation. While there were some technical difficulties that would’ve without a doubt enhance the end-product of our work, the way each member handled themselves contributed to the presentation’s fluidity. Chapters 1-4 are important building blocks for effective public speaking tactics and Group 1 clearly illustrated this essential information.

Group 2

Group 2 had the task of explaining to the class chapters 5-9. Needless to say that this group also demonstrated how hard they had been working and preparing for the presentation. What I love the most about these presentations is the fact that we are, in a way, teaching ourselves; This forces us to pay a greater degree of attention to the presenters, not only to observe how well they present information, but also for our own benefit. Group 2 did a splendid job explaining the how-to’s of delivering a successful speech. And just like the first group, the technical difficulties experienced by Group 2 were positively overshadowed by their mannerism through such adversities as well as their deeply informative speech. Lastly, I liked how Kaitlin and Pablo split the workload so that the presentation could have a professional introduction and ending.

Group 3

Some would argue that going last its advantageous while others can’t stand the pressure. Either way you look at it, Group 3 had the pressure on their shoulders of putting together a presentation equivalent to that of the previous groups. In my opinion Group 3 knocked the ball out of the park with their astonishing presentation. They did a superb job and one could clearly see the amount of dedication placed unto this project. Not only did they deliver an eloquent and informative speech, what most attracted my attention was their uniform slides; every single one of their slides shared equal traits, it was the perfect example of what a professional presentation should look like. To put the cherry on top, Group 3 succeeded where others failed by finally achieving audio in their slides. Their sound and concrete teaching of chapters 10-12 in addition the appendix was easily digested due to all the aforementioned positives they had going for themselves.👏👏👏


  In the end, I enjoyed the concept of presenting the book chapters to the class, it is without a doubt an immersive experience that forces you dedicate more time to the lecture. Professor Sinkoff also makes a wonderful job of interacting with the class and providing useful information. I am satisfied with the outcomes of each group presentation and can’t wait to continue to work on future assignments with this dependable group of classmates.  

Group of individuals overcoming an obstacle together

    This picture exemplifies the theme shared by most of the members of group 1, trust and willingness to help. We strongly believe that with efficient teamwork any task, big or small, is attainable.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

 For the first few weeks of the course the professor of the public speaking class made us introduce each other and make acquaintances in the virtual salon. Later we were divided into random groups and the very first project was assigned. The professor made us teach each other the chapters of the book used for the class. Considering the nature of the class it was very fitting to make public speaking students to do what the class was about, publicly speak to acquaintances and/or strangers. It was very interesting for me in particular as I was part of the very first group, to prepare a presentation about a subject in which I had basically no knowledge and have the subject teach me how to prepare in order to deliver the presentation.
The experience was fascinating, from the book full of detailed explanations, examples and tips to the unorthodox setting of the class (virtual) due to the pandemic. The way the professor prepared the class divided into groups in the same virtual classroom but still coming to check on us made much more easy to clarify the questions we could have had while we were discussing our presentation. 
In regard to the subjects of our presentation we were assigned chapters 1 through 4. Since we were a group every person had an assigned part of the chapters that they were to deliver to the audience, but we still needed to read the material completely. This was indeed an interesting experience. While I already had a understanding of the material having read the book, the different way my other groupmates ( and classmates for the matter) put their own voices, points of view and personal touches to the same material had saw made it much more easy to process, focus and understand the amount of information that was being presented; which flow, a little bit ironically whit a portion of my own part of the project on how to challenge the view of your audience and present your opinion. 
Although our presentation didn’t go sadly without a hitch (we presented some technical problems) the whole of the presentation went smooth since we practice beforehand, and my groupmates were quick on their feet to make us match each other’s paces at the time to present making it almost as if we were in the same room.
 For the rest of the presentations as if assimilating all of the experiences of the previous groups and actually assimilating all of the knowledge, they were amazing. For the second presentation the part that was stuck whit me was how they explained the different types of materials that you can incorporate into your presentation or speech, and how even if they may seem similar they are actually not, also how to improve your use of language using synonyms for example but without sacrificing clarity. For the group number 3 I liked the most the part that referred to the different ways people can learn information, recognizing the use of humor and building on the experiences of the audience to make them absorb the information, also the use of sensory aids.
team work!

Chapter Presentations Reflection

    During the first few weeks of our Public Speaking class everyone was placed into groups for the whole semester to work on all projects assigned to us in the course. With the first project, our class had to prepare and deliver presentations explaining Chapters 1 through 12 and the appendix of the textbook; “iSpeak 13th edition”. The purpose of this project was to ensure the professor that we (the students) understand, execute, and organize a well put together speech about the textbook material with our own interpretation and knowledge. Professor Sinkoff divided the class into three groups and made it very easy and accessible for everyone to communicate with each other given the circumstances of the corona virus pandemic. She had us reflect on our first presentation by having everyone in their groups write about their experience with the project, working with one another, and give some insight on the work process behind each project.  She made the environment feel like a regular face to face classroom which was truly admirable.


    Each person from each group had to read and further examine the sections in the chapters that they were assigned to. Our group (Group 1) was covering Chapters 1 through 4 and I was specifically assigned to cover a section about the “Presentation Process” in Chapter 1 and the “Analysis of The Situation” in Chapter 4. Working with my group was surprisingly not difficult at all. Everyone was always accessible and willing to answer any questions that anyone from the group had. Help was always available whether it being about the content or the technology, and everyone was just overall really easy to get along with. Our group leader, Albert Labrada, made sure everyone read and knew the material before constructing the presentation and also had us meet beforehand to practice our speeches so we could be better prepared on the day of. The flow of our group really showed when we did our first presentation because, although we did have some technical difficulties, we all still managed to work together to fix everything, and delivered a great presentation. My team explained the concept of how to better prepare for a presentation/speech. We worked really hard to organize and execute a good quality presentation for everyone to understand. All the members of my group did a really good job in communicating the skills learned from the textbook and applied it to the presentation to keep the audience engaged. Everyone in our group was in sync with each other and in future presentations I know to expect a good team effort when working with everyone.  


    In group 2, I remember some of the presenters were talking about the importance of delivering speeches and described the five different modes of delivering a presentation which included; memorized, manuscript, extemporaneous, impromptu, and questions-and-answer.  This group focused more on the importance of delivering successful speeches and what’s behind the process of a successful speech like the ones we observe. This helped a lot because it allowed me to know when it is appropriate to apply these different modes to different topics, audiences, speakers, and situations. They focused more so on explaining the different concepts and taking us through the process of preparing for a presentation or speech effectively.  They clarified in great detail the key points of all the useful information in chapters 5-9 and analyzed the content very clearly. 


    Group 3 did a really good job with teaching chapters 10-12 plus the appendix about the types of presentations as well. There was a lot of informative videos and some that we didn’t get to see in class, but that I watched on my own time that included great strategies on how to deliver different types of messages through a presentation.  Whether it's speaking to inform, speaking to persuade, or speaking on a special occasion, there’s always a way to carry a message through effectively. This team stood out more to me because they actually talked about working as a group and the types of group presentations there are. So, we got to experience what it was like for them to work together while also teaching us how to better work together and communicate effectively throughout the semester, since all of our projects will be done together. I enjoyed their presentation the most because they gave useful information to take into future occasions like classes and/or opportunities outside of school to better work with people in any environment to execute a good presentation and/or speech. 


    As each group was presenting their chapters, I noticed that everyone was well informed of their specific sections. Everyone seemed to be very charismatic and confident in their ability to deliver the message behind their topic. Also, how engaging the presenters seemed to be when going over it with us (the audience). I learned better learning from other students points of views and used their key components about each section to educate myself and maintain my interest in what they had to say.  By being a part of this project, I gained knowledge and skills that will benefit me best in projects moving forward. The importance of public speaking is applied to us as college students, but it is crucial that we realize how this correlates to our daily lives as well. We use the act of public speaking to build, teach, influence, and encourage others and acquire them with the necessary knowledge.  

9/11 Presentation

       As we moved on to our third project about informative speeches everyone had a pretty good idea of how to prepare for it. All groups w...