Monday, September 28, 2020

Chapter Presentations

Chapter Presentations

         Before the semester began, I like a lot of my peers thought we will be taking this class in person rather than over a computer screen. Frankly, this left many of us wondering if we would even be able to successfully navigate through this course. However, through the guidance and reassurance from Professor Sinkoff and the sense of comradery amongst my peers we have not only been able to demonstrate academic excellence but unity and especially compassion within these last weeks even in the face of uncertainty. Over the past few weeks, we have seen and even been able to be a part of three amazing presentations that are the results of what can be done through teamwork and determination.  For this project there were three groups, each group was assigned certain chapters from our textbook with the task of creating a presentation that will teach our classmates information that will ultimately help them become better speakers. 


         Each group did amazingly when presenting their projects. Whether through the use of informatory slides, simplified how-to demonstrations, or descriptive graphics, we were truly able to understand the fundamental aspects of public speaking. For me, what I enjoyed most about each presentation was what wasn’t said but shown by everyone in the class, the sense of comradery, and want to help each other. Not one person, no matter what group we were in wanted to see another classmate fail. During the first week of presentations, I was the “tech person” for my group 1’s presentation and there had been such significant technical difficulties with our presentation that I was certain cost us our grade. My classmates whether in my group or not stood by my group, cheered us on, and offered reassurance through all of the unforeseen hiccups we experienced on the day of our presentation. They waited patiently for us to solve any issue we may have had and offered advice when they felt they could help. With every presentation, I saw a true want to help our classmates understand the material whether through video or “real life” examples. Each presentation was structured around giving us as much information and tips we will need to help us become better speakers. Whether it was groups 1 and 3 with their detailed presentations that seemed to lack nothing in the information department or the powerhouse duo, Kaitlin and Pablo who gave us such a powerful and professional presentation. We all left class after each presentation being better Public Speakers than when we started. This was due to the dedication that was shown by all my classmates. I want to thank each and every one of you for bringing your “A” game with each presentation. For always providing support and encouraging words through every technical difficulty. It is through your Amity and eagerness to make the world better where we will truly make a change. I would also like to thank Professor Sinkoff for giving us this assignment and for being understanding of the issues that may arise with virtual learning. 

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