Monday, September 28, 2020

Chapter Presentations

     Throughout the chapter presentations, all three groups, including ours needed to present a number of slides which explained a good amount of information based on speech. From the "iSpeak" book, we learned an abundant amount of things, from learning how to cope with the stress of speaking in public, to how to treat the individuals you're speaking to, the importance of how to deliver a speech the proper way despite being a beginner, etcetera. Everyone had a task, and they completed the said task in a great manner despite there being a number of technical difficulties; which needless to say, everyone easily conquered with little to no trouble. With our group leader, Albert Labrada, and Victoria Alvarez, alongside everyone else within our group that made things possible, everything went as smooth as could be and I wouldn't ask for a better group to be in--and how could I forget the two leaders, Pablo and Kaitlin for helping organize the whole thing up, and Professor Sinkoff whom helped this whole group project become a possibility. Here's to hoping we don't get switched around, otherwise it'd be a little difficult to adapt to another group setup again--though even if, that's the point of group work; to adapt, work and overcome. All in all, everyone made a great effort in their part. 

    During the presentation made by group two, the presenters and speakers pointed out how a speaker is supposed to deliver a well-delivered speech through a number of examples, entertaining pictures and relatively short explanations which were great to listen to. From what makes a speaker successful when delivering certain speeches, to the whole five methods that're required to deliver said speeches in an educated and proper manner. It was a good experience, in which I believe everyone was capable of understanding everything; I know I was able to. While they did have technical difficulties just like the last two groups(including ours) in our speech class, that was nothing compared to the hard work they definitely put into explaining their craft. In the end, their delivery was amazing, the way they explained everything was top notch and everyone did a wonderful job.

    Lastly, the third and final presenting group; group three, were just as great as the rest of us--despite them being the finale, they certainly took their time to study what they needed to in order to deliver what was due in a great fashion. From the way that they explained the usage of humor within presentations, alongside the way the audience could pick up on key pieces of information to make use of good speech, and even the appendix was a great end to the final group's presentation. Those videos were superb and entertaining.

In the end, projects like these are a great way to get to know one another in a sense, and understand other's personalities to some extent. Everyone did a great job presenting the way they did, in their own unique ways. Here's to hoping we have more projects like these later on in the future.

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9/11 Presentation

       As we moved on to our third project about informative speeches everyone had a pretty good idea of how to prepare for it. All groups w...