Sunday, September 27, 2020

The Chapter Presentation Experience

                                                                        Group 1

This group project has proven to be a valuable experience of perseverance and determination. When we first head about the details of the project I offered up to be the leader of the group (group 1). Although I was nervous at first, I quickly realized that my classmates exhibited great qualities of responsibility, attention to detail, and drive to excel at the class. The cooperative spirit of the group made all of us more engaged in project and excited for what the final product would look like. Biased may be slightly😁 at play, but I truly believe “Group 1” displayed a wonderful, well though out presentation. While there were some technical difficulties that would’ve without a doubt enhance the end-product of our work, the way each member handled themselves contributed to the presentation’s fluidity. Chapters 1-4 are important building blocks for effective public speaking tactics and Group 1 clearly illustrated this essential information.

Group 2

Group 2 had the task of explaining to the class chapters 5-9. Needless to say that this group also demonstrated how hard they had been working and preparing for the presentation. What I love the most about these presentations is the fact that we are, in a way, teaching ourselves; This forces us to pay a greater degree of attention to the presenters, not only to observe how well they present information, but also for our own benefit. Group 2 did a splendid job explaining the how-to’s of delivering a successful speech. And just like the first group, the technical difficulties experienced by Group 2 were positively overshadowed by their mannerism through such adversities as well as their deeply informative speech. Lastly, I liked how Kaitlin and Pablo split the workload so that the presentation could have a professional introduction and ending.

Group 3

Some would argue that going last its advantageous while others can’t stand the pressure. Either way you look at it, Group 3 had the pressure on their shoulders of putting together a presentation equivalent to that of the previous groups. In my opinion Group 3 knocked the ball out of the park with their astonishing presentation. They did a superb job and one could clearly see the amount of dedication placed unto this project. Not only did they deliver an eloquent and informative speech, what most attracted my attention was their uniform slides; every single one of their slides shared equal traits, it was the perfect example of what a professional presentation should look like. To put the cherry on top, Group 3 succeeded where others failed by finally achieving audio in their slides. Their sound and concrete teaching of chapters 10-12 in addition the appendix was easily digested due to all the aforementioned positives they had going for themselves.👏👏👏


  In the end, I enjoyed the concept of presenting the book chapters to the class, it is without a doubt an immersive experience that forces you dedicate more time to the lecture. Professor Sinkoff also makes a wonderful job of interacting with the class and providing useful information. I am satisfied with the outcomes of each group presentation and can’t wait to continue to work on future assignments with this dependable group of classmates.  

Group of individuals overcoming an obstacle together

    This picture exemplifies the theme shared by most of the members of group 1, trust and willingness to help. We strongly believe that with efficient teamwork any task, big or small, is attainable.

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