Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Jose Sarabia--Civic Engagement Reflection


We don’t usually get to have experiences like the ones we have in our speech class in other classes; in fact, the other ones have been beyond boring in comparison to this one. It actually feels like I’m learning something with all of these interactions with my classmates, whilst in the other one we’re just being given busy work for the usual grades and whatnot; your typical classes. Once again, I am thankful to have great classmates in my team whom I can work with to achieve the goal of becoming a better speaker from here, moving forward; the group leaders as well, Sophia for being a great individual and helping everyone out not only with edits, but even directions, alongside our professor and the other psychology class as well. Without them, none of this would’ve been capable of turning out the way it did; a great lecture and event hosted by everyone as a whole. The rest of the teams also did a wonderful job on their part, explaining everything correlating to the topics we were given which had to do with elections. Yes, elections always have and will be a very important topic; especially considering how we’re living in the United States of America; where we elect our leaders for the betterment of our states and country. No matter who, everyone living in and contributing to this country should have the opportunity to vote; and while the younger generation can’t necessarily vote right now, they should at least be aware that they can—be taught that while their votes may only be one, as long as they all vote, then they can surely make one massive difference and a great impact, since it not only helps people in the long run, but it also helps people’s mental health and wellbeing as well. Civic engagement should be taught everywhere people are being educated and it should be a topic everyone needs to get involved in, so long as they’re capable of delving into the more political aspects of things. The future is in our hands, and our generation needs to uphold greatness in spite of all potential hardships that could come along the way—however we can also learn from hardships and what mistakes we make, in order to shed light and proper examples so that our future generations could follow suite. And that’s where our subtopic came in; the involvement of individuals in the communities and the difference people can make when they are more involved in elections. All in all, despite there being a slight learning curve in the whole video editing and how to come up with a short speech; it all worked out well in the end for everyone. Once again, I thank everyone who participated in the group discussions and I hope I can continue participating in these speech projects with my group in the long run. These experiences are the best.

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