Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Bryan Alvarez--Civic Engagement analysis


Civic Engagement

Bryan Alvarez

      Civic engagement is really important especially in today's times. Americas youth is the majority of the population and are really important when it comes to their civic duties. This fact cannot be stressed enough in the modern ages of our time when everything has become so complex and advanced. Our class participated in an event to promote civic engagement and show everyone who participated important information and facts. We where also joined by Dr. Molina who gave us her point of view and opinion on the matter and that helped us get a much better look at the topic that we're given. 

      Group 1 which was the group I participated did an amazing job and I couldn't be happier with the results. Everybody put their hard work in and we all helped each other when we needed it to make sure the presentation as great as possible. The assortment of information we used was as diverse and colorful as it could be to tackle as many sub topics as possible with the appropriate information so that the message can be delivered and understood as best as possible for everyone who attended or does who would see the information elsewhere.

      Group 2 did an amazing job with their topic in all ways possible. The work and effort in their presentation was immediately visible when they started. The information they presented was broad and easily understandable to everyone in the audience. There presentation went smooth and without any hiccups. They really showed how well they understood there topic with all the facts and information they brought to the table for the event. Overall group 2 did an amazing job with their presentation and showed the fruits of their hard work.

      Group 3 did a wonderful job in presenting their topic which was the civic role in children. It may seem weird of a topic at first but the information and facts they brought us shined us a new light in which even children can play an important role for civic duties in the future. There presentation went smoothly and with no issues at all. They provided the audience with plenty of information and each piece of it was explained properly and in a way where everybody can understand it. Overall they did an amazing job and there topic was perfectly executed in the event.

      Overall the event and everyone's presentations where a major success in my opinion. I feel like we completed our objective which was to promote civic engagement and teach the in's and outs, the important fact and just overall just show the different perspectives of such an important topic on a really important event. I had a great experience with this event. I myself was enlightened to new ideas and concepts and I can't wait to apply them or share them with somebody else.


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