Monday, November 9, 2020

Karla Cruz--Election reflection

karla cruz 

In the last presentation we touch the topic of elections and the involvement of diferent generational groups( young kids, college students, adults). The diferent reaction, involvement and impact of each group to the electoral proces and viceversa, the impact of the electoral proces to the formed mention groups was the central subject of the presentation. 

My group was in charge to discuss college students. It is funny being part of the group you are investigating and as result of the assignment my perspective of the election suffer a change. In previous semester i worked together whit one of the organization mentioned in the presentation closer to the previous election, so i already had an idea of how college students were a big part of the population that did not participate actively in the electoral process. But in recent years the use of social media has made them more active and involved in the process. Coworkers and friends in the same age range or younger would stay informed of the polls on social media. Election day while at work we would pop out to check the status on our phones, and a personal experience was being in a line buying groceries checking the numbers on youtube live and the cashier asking to see, he was 20 at most. This presentation made me more aware of my experience and the experience of the people around me. Is hard not to be remainded of the topic of the presentation when my 8 year old little sister came to me exited that she voted. The need to have the younger generation more involved and active on the process is more and more evident each passing day. The values of the word change and this change should be reflected on the líder we chose. This is becoming a more diverse and include word and what it was common sense years before it is no more. The college students( young adults) are taking over generationally speaking and they have to be more involved in a process that at the end reflects on every aspect of their lives.

The making of the video presentation was a funny experience. Thanks to Sophia for helping us and teaching us how to use the program to edit the video. We kept on contact all the time and to say that we exchanged 100 of messages would not be an exaggeration, we wanted to be coordinated above it all. It made the presentation process so much easier because having a video ensured that we would not go over the required time limit, that is not easy to keep. The fact that you have to fill a especific time sounds overwhelming at the beginning but once you start to talk realice that is in fact  not enough and i ended up having to compress the contents of what i need it to say to fit the time, that ended up being a good thing making my points concise and to the point.  

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