Monday, November 9, 2020

Javier Collado--Civic Engagement and Mental Wellbeing

    Yet again, another amazing presentation done by me and my classmates. For this particular presentation my group and I had to make a video where we spoke about civic engagement and how it impacts college students in a daily basis. This time it was a little different from the first one, because we had to make a video as our presentation where we inform our classmates of the particular topics. It was a different experience for me, because it was my first time editing a video and adding PowerPoint slides in the video as background, I also just want to say thank you to my fellow classmate Sofia for showing us how to properly edit our videos. Since, it was y first time editing an actual video, it was pretty difficult task to do, it took me a few hours to get it done. At the end of it all, my team and I did an amazing job on delivering our presentations. This type of presentation is something that I wouldn’t mind doing again, because it was definitely out of my comfort zone and it was a learning and challenging experience for me and I’m sure that it was also for the majority of my group members. I am so grateful to have chosen this course, I mean as we move forward in the course, I just see myself becoming a better and more confidence public speaker. Something that I never thought in a million years, I was going to accomplish. 


     The other two groups did an amazing job as well. We all work hard as a class. It was a very informative presentation each of the other group gave us something different to think about, I mean all of us spoke about why civic engagement is an important topic whether if it affects the mental well-being of college students or any other issue that it correlates to civic engagement being that is such a broad topic. Furthermore, I just want to say thank you to Dr. Molina’s students for providing us with some of their research which was absolutely helpful, and a well-done research and I also want to thank them for attending our amazing event and helping us with anything we needed. I also want to say thank you to our class leaders: Kaitlyn, Pablo, and Adriana for being there for all of us through the whole process. I am so thankful for having Sinkoff as my Public speaking professor, she is such an amazing human being with a huge heart for her students. Also, I just want to say thank you for everybody else that attended the event, every student and Miami-Dade college staff, I hope that they were informed enough about the importance of being civically engaged as a college student or an adult. Overall, the event turned out as plan, we had fun and we were in formed of different things related to being civically engaged, I definitely wouldn’t mind doing something similar to this presentation again. Great Job SPC2608!

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9/11 Presentation

       As we moved on to our third project about informative speeches everyone had a pretty good idea of how to prepare for it. All groups w...